If you were one of the lucky ones with a list direct to Santa, it looks like it’s gonna have to be Holiday Season 2012 that you’ll see the Star Wars R2-D2 edition Xbox 360 bundle under the tree as the gaming console has sadly been delayed.
The highly-anticipated Star Wars inspired gaming console delay has been confirmed by none other than a Microsoft spokesperson and the word on the street is that the delay was caused by the Star Wars Kinect game not being as polished as Microsoft and LucasArts were hoping for. Siggghhhhh.
Well, of course we don’t want to have a craptastic Star Wars Xbox 360 but then again we were really looking forward to unwrapping that baby this year. Also, sadly, there is still no official word on when we will actually see the release of this console but at least we know the steep price, $450. Shouldn’t there be a discount after all of this?!